After the world war one Russia was very emotional and causing the Russian czar to abdicate. In 1917 Lenin lead a successful revolution of the Bolshevik workers. Even the United States sent troops to Russia hopping the White Russians could oust the communist Reds. the Bolshevik's murdered the whole royal family. Back home, the veterans were returning home and demanding a wage increase to keep up with spiraling inflation. In 1919 a small group of radicals formed the Communist Labor Party. Threw 1919-1920 Palmer, President Wilsons attorney general sent back 249 Russian Immigrants to Mother Russia. January 1920 federal officials broke into suspected anarchists homes without search warrants and help about 5,000 people without legal papers. American Legionnaires in Centralia, Washington attacked members of the Wobblies. Twelve radicals were arrested, one of them was beaten, castrated, and than shot. After that 28 states banned the public display of red flags.
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