Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Duluth Lynching

On the warm summer night of June 14, Irene Tusken, age nineteen, and James Sullivan, eighteen, went to a circus in Duluth. At the end of the evening the pair walked to the rear of the main tent. Nobody is sure what happend next, the next morning Duluth Police Chief John Murphy received a call from James father saying six black circus workers had held the pair at gunpoint and then raped Irene Tusken. Dr Graham a family Dr. said there showed no sighs of rape. That evening 1,000-10,000 white people mobbed and were waiting for the six black men to come out of jail. Bricks, pipes and heavy timbers and they got into the jail. They pulled six black guys from there cells. After a fake trial Jackson, Clayton, and McGhie were guilty and taken one block to a light pole on the corner of the street. a few people tried to get to them but the police were there with the men. Eventually they were beaten and then lynched (hung to death). The Minnesota National Guard arrived the next morning to secure Duluth and protect the three surviving black prisoners, and 10 additional black suspects, so they moved them to St. Louis County Jail. 

America Intolerance

The Ku Klux klan was a very mean a and deadly group who targeted colored people and other people the clan did not like. The clan opposed people who were not white of there civil rights. In the 1920s one of our presidents Calvin Coolage was said to be a member of the KKK. A lot of people were forced to join the group because they thought it promoted good strong family life. The Ku Klux Klan wore all white robes and a big pointed cap on there head. The clan was know to be very mean and tourcherful, they would burn people, hang people, hanging and any other method they could think of.

19th Amendment

The 19th amendment gauranteed women the right to vote, women were always know to be the ones to stay at the house and make food and do laundry and keep the house clean while the men go out and do the "dirty work" 9 states adopted women suffrage legislation by 1912. Some supporters got put in jail, and sometimes physically abused. On may 21 1919 the house of representatives passed the amendment for women to vote and two weeks later the senate followed!

Women's suffrage

Womens suffrage lasted for at least 70 years. it started in 1848 in seneca falls New York to the pass of the 19 amendment. People argued you can represent your wife's believes for her so she does not have to leave the house. Some people believed if women had a say it would end family life. In 1920 the women's suffrage ended quickly and was done, the Head quarters is in Washington, DC

A/C in Movie Theaters

There was never air conditioning intel 1902. Willis Carrier a engineer developed the first air conditioning system. Carrier convinced Paramount Pictures  to install his all new conditioning system in the Rivoli Theater. The theater would show off the air on Memorial day, opening day. A lot of people would buy tickets just to get into the air conditioning . Carrier installed over 300 conditioning systems into movie theaters while he was here.Zikor the owner of Paramount said, "yes, people are going to love it!"

The Roaring Twenties

The 1920's was a very crazy time in the United States. January 16,1920 banned the manufacture and sale of liquor. What many young  people like to do was dance and they would have a great time at the dances. The automobile was also invented the Ford model T was only $260 back then. In 1924 the National Origins Act set immigration quotas that include some people Asians and other Europeans from entering. 


In the 1920's there was a increasing amount of conveniences for the middle class. Advertising boomed and no one really new it. Women had all home chores like cleaning and doing laundry , the  vacuum was also invented. People could say canned foods now because of electric refrigerators and credit also came out. "Buy now pay later" became a popular saying.